introduces new infographic section

Published: 28-Jan-2015

Infographics are a quick and effective way to present a topic, highlight facts and propose solutions

As a leading expert in bio-decontamination and infection control, Bioquell finds it essential to provide not only services and products, but also informative tools to support professionals in their fight against pathogens. abounds with educational materials which aim at a better understanding of different topics relating to bug eradication.

Infographics are a quick and effective way to present a topic, highlight facts and propose solutions. The stars of the show are, of course, the pathogens as they are at the root of the problem. Some of them are a constant worry (such as C.difficile or CPE/CRE) while others are more seasonal (like norovirus). Lately, the Ebola virus disease has taken centre stage and remains an important threat that can’t be ignored. All of them have their own feature on the infographic section.

Common highlights on most of Bioquell’s infographics are hand hygiene and personal protective equipment. We can’t emphasise enough the importance of these two simple precautions to prevent the spread of pathogens. The body is a biological realm where millions of micro-organisms live. It is a vehicle on which they travel within our environment and specifically to other human beings or surfaces.

Bioquell’s bug eradication process, using hydrogen peroxide vapour (HPV), is the gold standard in bio-decontamination. It has been proven to kill a minimum of 99.9999% of pathogens on all surfaces. Despite the scientific jargon usually used to explain the efficacy of HPV, this technology is simple and easy to understand. Bioquell has created three infographics to illustrate how it works and its use within a healthcare environment.

More infographics covering topics that Bioquell feels are relevant to its audience will be added to the section.

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