Angstrom and k-Space partner on low-temperature monitoring

Published: 15-Jun-2020

North American companies have collaborated on a non-contact optical temperature monitoring system for a Josephson junction fabrication platform

Angstrom and k-Space have partnered on low-temperature monitoring in a Josephson junction fabrication platform

"We have installed a kSA BandiT non-contact optical temperature monitoring system on an Angstrom Engineering Quantum Series Josephson junction fabrication platform designed for a large commercial partner," stated k-Space in a linkedin post.

"The kSA BandiT system is utilised in the oxidation chamber to monitor the substrate temperature in the room temperature to 250o C range. The non-contact measurement of temperatures in this regime is unique to k-Space by virtue of their patented band-edge-based temperature measurement technology," the post added.

k-Space Associates is a manufacturer of in-line, in situ, and ex situ metrology tools for the semiconductor, thin-film, photovoltaic (PV), solar, automotive, glass, and building materials industries.

Angstrom Engineering provides thin film deposition systems for PVD and CVD processes.

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