Fuel bills reduced through energy-saving technologies

Published: 14-May-2014

Energy saving body, The Carbon Trust, reveals costs for businesses have doubled over the last decade, pushing issues regarding sustainability to the top of the agenda

'Going green' is proving to be just as fundamental for business survival as it is for reducing impact on the environment.

Surveys, however, reveal that businesses still find it challenging to understand the technologies available and are also cautious about the upfront costs involved.

Smart monitoring

Smart meters, thermostats, and sensors provide information regarding energy consumption patterns, something that was never really available before. These smart monitoring devices are assisting businesses with identifying the areas in which energy is being wasted, and as such are also contributing to significant savings.

EECO2  has developed a mobile energy monitoring unit (MEMU) that can be used to monitor the energy efficiency of a piece of mechanical plant in real time.

The system will provide live efficiency data and alarming when the defined limits are exceeded to allow the plant owners to take the appropriate action to ensure excessive amounts of energy is not consumed.

The system can be stand-alone; however, our experience has shown that energy efficiency reduces over time. EECO2 offers monitoring and reporting services to ensure system efficiency is maintained.

The monitored data is transmitted to the Web via GSM technology and stored for user access and reporting purposes on our dedicated Web-based Bureau.

MEMUs can be used to monitor the following systems:

  • HVAC systems
  • Chillers and Pumps
  • Dust Extraction Units
  • Compressed Air Systems
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Boilers

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