Suncombe introduces the SteriWasher

Published: 22-Jul-2014

A robust, validatable industrial parts washer

Suncombe, an Enfield, UK-based washing, cleaning and critical process engineering company, has added the SteriWasher to its portfolio.

The SteriWasher, for industrial use, is set to improve upon parts washers used in the pharmaceutical, biotech, food, beverage, healthcare and other critical sectors, owing to new technologies that provide a more environmentally friendly, low water and energy usage washing system for production and research environments, the company says. It is used for equipment ranging from critical small parts and tools to large mixers, drums and containers.

Unlike many parts washers on the market that use fold down doors, the SteriWasher is accessed through a hinged door. It employs a combination of specially developed duty spray technologies, which provide variable pressures for different levels of washing. This offers high energy impingement washing together with low energy flushing, chosen by a simple recipe selection.

Incorporating crevice-free internals, the SteriWasher is fitted with an air tight, leak-proof inflatable door seal for total product and washing containment and is available in single-door or two-door versions for pass-through requirements.

Unlike many parts washers on the market that use fold down doors, the SteriWasher is accessed through a hinged door

The washer also incorporates standard or bespoke racks with individual locations for validated cleaning, which are removable and can be loaded onto mobile trolleys for loading and unloading.

The SteriWasher is built from 316 stainless steel to cGMP, EHEDG, ASME BPE and GAMP standards and can be freestanding or integrated into a facility, or located in a washing area or cleanroom.

Offered with a number of chamber sizes starting from 0.6m x 0.6m x 0.6m to 1.5m x 1.5m x 1.5m, the SteriWasher is also available in bespoke chamber size variants.

Steve Overton, Technical Director at Suncombe, said: 'The SteriWasher parts washers define a range of bespoke parts washers we have been supplying for over 30 years. These washers are robust, heavy duty units, built entirely from stainless steel and designed to last for 20 plus years. Our clients have shown a great deal of interest in a more robust washer, with a simple hinged door, to ensure continued usability, throughout the units’ long lifetime.'

Obtainable with four levels of automation, from Suite 1, a single recipe system, to Suite 4, a 100 recipe system with full traceability and electronically compliant reporting, the SteriWasher's intuitive operator interface includes a colour HMI with full equipment visualisation and 10 levels of password protection. Complete with self-diagnostic features, the operator interface allows configuration of the cycle steps which include up to three concentration controlled chemical washes, hot water, cold water, variable temperatures, pressures and flowrates and HEPA cooling and drying facilities.

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