G-CON delivers cleanroom POD with tablet coating capability to Pfizer

By Murielle Gonzalez | Published: 20-Feb-2019

The US pharma company installed a portable, continuous, miniature modular unit at its OSD facility in Connecticut

G-CON Manufacturing said it has delivered to Pfizer a new portable, continuous, miniature, and modular (PCMM) cleanroom POD with tablet coating capability to Pfizer. The unit was installed at Pfizer's POD-based oral solid dosage facility in Groton, Connecticut. The new POD integrates GEA’s ConsiGma continuous tablet coater equipment.

The new POD is approximately 700 square feet and was built in two subPOD units. G-CON said the unit was installed and connected to the existing PCMM PODs within a week.

“Expanding our PCMM facility with this new POD from G-CON is a testament to our commitment to establishing innovative, industry-leading manufacturing capabilities, which could have a powerful impact on our ability to more quickly and easily produce medicines for patients in need,” said Pfizer's John Burkhardt, Senior VP, Head of Global Drug Safety Research and Development, and Groton Site Head.

Prior to delivery and installation, the GEA process equipment was installed and tested in the POD at G-CON’s manufacturing facility in College Station, Texas. The move, G-CON said, further reduced the time and complexity of installation at the Pfizer site and helped minimise operational downtime.

G-CON also revealed that the POD includes a film coating process area, integrated technical space for in-house and GEA mechanical systems.

The unit also features dedicated airlocks for personnel and material and it has the capability for continuous integrated operation with the current OSD line or independent and segregated film coating operations.

"The latest POD installation at Pfizer continues to demonstrate the value and benefits that a pre-fabricated modular approach can provide with regard to speed and flexibility,” said Dennis Powers, VP of Business Development & Sales Engineering at G-CON Manufacturing. "The G-CON team is extremely proud of this PCMM milestone achievement," Powers concluded.

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